Kern County, CA
Assessor-Recorder MenuAbout Recorder
Our Goal
The Kern County Recorder’s Office delivers professional and courteous public service while fulfilling the duties and functions of the Recorder as mandated by law. The Recorder is dedicated to streamlining, modernizing and automating systems and procedures in order to achieve more effective and efficient service to our clients.
Our Job
The Recorder is responsible for providing constructive notice through the recordation of legal instruments filed through the Recorder's Office and for imaging, indexing and archiving those official documents. The Recorder also maintains copies of Kern County vital records, (marriage records and certificates of birth or death) and provides access to vital records and official documents for public inspection or purchase in accordance with California law.
Your Feedback
Our staff is dedicated to serving the public efficiently and with courtesy and respect, but we are always looking for ways to improve. If you need information which you were unable to find on this website, have an idea of how we might serve the public better, or have a comment, positive or negative about your experience with the Recorder’s Office, please let us know.